“Singing belongs to one who loves,” writes St. Augustine. The choirs of St. Michael the Archangel Parish proclaim their love of God through joyous participation in the celebration of Holy Mass. Composed entirely of volunteer singers, the choirs draw on the great canon of faith-based choral literature, featuring Gregorian chant, polyphonic motets, and works by both classical and contemporary composers created for the celebration of divine worship. Each choir is a unique entity, yet shares a common repertoire. The individual choirs sing separately at the Saturday evening or Sunday masses. At times, they may unite as one for concert events, or with other choral groups and/or orchestra, as well as such special celebrations as the annual Corpus Christi procession.
We are always eager to welcome new members to our parish choirs. All that is needed is a pleasing voice, some ability to read music, and a desire to serve. Simply choose one of the choirs below based on the Mass you would like to sing; you will need to be available to attend rehearsals on the days listed for that particular choir.
If you are interested in joining a choir, please click here.

The St. Cecilia Choir
The choir sings for Masses at St. Bernard Church on Sundays at 11:00 A.M., as well as on Holy Days as scheduled. Rehearsals are conducted on Thursday evenings in the 3rd Floor of Fontenay Center, St. Bernard Church, from 7:00-9:00 P.M.
If you are interested in joining the St. Cecilia choir, please click here.

St. Cecilia (3rd century AD), who “sang in her heart to the Lord,” is one of the Church’s virgin martyrs. She is the patron saint of musicians, inspiring singers and instrumentalists to prayerful song. (Feast Day: November 22)
The St. Hildegard of Bingen Choir
Perfect for those with busy schedules, with rehearsals just 1-2 times per month on Tuesdays from 7:00-9:00 PM at Our Lady of Grace. The choir will sing at Sunday Mass or on select Holy Days once or twice a month at Our Lady of Grace Church.
If you are interested in joining the St. Hildegard choir, please click here.

Named a “Doctor of the Church” by Pope Benedict XVI for her “holiness of life and the originality of her teaching,” St. Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) was a writer, mystic, and one of the best-known composers of sacred monophony, writing chants for female choirs. (Feast Day: March 9)
The St. Gregory the Great Schola Cantorum
The Schola Cantorum is a small, select group of singers skilled in chanting the mass propers and singing polyphonic motets. It sings at the 7:30 P.M. Candlelight Mass each Sunday throughout the church year. Because of its rigor, Schola members must possess advanced music skills, good sight-reading ability, familiarity with Latin pronunciation, and a strong sense of commitment. An audition is required for all prospective members.
If you are interested in joining the St. Gregory Schola, please click here.

The familiar, haunting melodies of Western plainchant are attributed to St. Gregory the Great (540-604) in what has come to be known as Gregorian chant. He is a patron saint of musicians and singers. (Feast Day: September 3)
The St. Peter Claver Schola
This intimate ensemble is designed to give busy high-school and college-age students the opportunity to sing the Church’s central hymns, chants, and motets at one of the beautiful candlelight masses each month. Singers typically rehearse on Sunday at 6:00 P.M., then sing for the 7:30 P.M. Mass at St. Bernard Church. No formal audition needed, just a pleasing voice, some ability to read music, and a desire to serve.
If you are interested in joining the St. Peter Claver Schola, please click here.

St. Peter Claver (1580-1654) was a Spanish Jesuit priest who served enslaved people in Colombia. In addition to his corporal works of mercy, he is reported to have formed a choir of Africans who sang liturgical music so heavenly that Spaniards wept and Muslims converted. (Feast Day: September 9)
The St. Catherine of Bologna Schola of Women
This women’s choir will sing for Mass and Vespers as assigned, usually once per month. Rehearsals will be scheduled at the Director’s discretion.
If you are interested in joining the St. Catherine Schola, please click here.

Foregoing the life of a born aristocrat, St. Catherine of Bologna (1413-1463) instead joined a contemplative community of the Poor Clares, where her talents as painter, writer, dancer, and violist (she is said to have played the viola even on her deathbed) led her to be named as the patron saint of artists. (Feast Day: March 9)