Concerts on the Casavant

One of the region’s premier pipe organs, the magnificent Casavant-Frères at St. Bernard Church has hosted such luminaries as Anton Heiller, Gerre Hancock, Frédéric Blanc, and Jean Langlais throughout its 60-year reign. Music at St. Michael continues the tradition of exceptional organ music as it presents this year’s star line-up of performers you won’t want to miss!
Musica Sacra

From the pure, simple chants of early Christianity to more complex harmonies of classical and contemporary compositions, music of the Church is reverent, joyful, mysterious, profound, and sustaining. At various times thoughout the year, the celebrations of the Mass are heightened, with deeper sorrows or greater joys reflected in the music. We encourage you to share with us in these exceptional liturgies to grow your faith.
Music at St. Michael invites you to share with us a range of musical offerings. All programs are presented without charge, but free-will offerings are always greatly appreciated.