The St. Dunstan Choir of Handbells
The bells of the church raise their voices to call worshipers to celebrate communal prayer, herald weddings, toll for funerals, ring the canonical hours, and announce the elevation of the host. Our handbell choir adds yet another voice to our churches’ family of bells. The handbell choir rings primarily for 11:30 A.M. Sunday Masses at Our Lady of Grace Church, as well as for special concerts and liturgies throughout the year. No prior ringing experience is required; we’ll be happy to teach you the techniques needed to make a joyful sound!
Rehearsals for the handbell choir are held each Monday evening from 7:30-9:00 P.M. at Our Lady of Grace Church.

The patron saint of bell casters, St. Dunstan (909-988) was a skilled harpist, composer, illuminator, and silversmith whose work while serving as Abbot of Glastonbury Abbey, as well as Archbishop of Canterbury, restored monastic life in England and reformed the English church.
(Feast Day: May 19)