Chaz Bowers
Director of Music

Classical organist and improvisational artist Albert Charles (Chaz) Bowers III has delighted audiences from his native Western Pennsylvania to the shores of Bermuda with masterful performances of pieces from the canon of great organ literature. Drawing on his own experience as church organist and the rich traditions of church music, Mr. Bowers presents programs that are designed to inspire.
In addition to his many recitals, including St. Paul Cathedral in Pittsburgh and Wesley United Methodist Church in Hamilton, Bermuda, Mr. Bowers has dedicated numerous organs in the region, such as those at Elm Grove United Methodist Church in Elm Grove, WV and Christ United Methodist Church in Scottdale, PA.
He also frequently appears as guest organist with some of the area’s premier choral ensembles; he is especially pleased to have performed Rejoice in the Lamb (Benjamin Britten) with Voces Solis, an all-professional choir, and Requiem, Opus 9 (Maurice Duruflé) with the St. Vincent Camarata and Academy Chamber Orchestra. . He also played his original Psalm setting and Gloria for the installation Mass of the Most Reverend David J. Bonnar as Bishop of the Youngstown Diocese in 2021.
Since 2014, Mr. Bowers has served as Director of Music and Principal Organist at St. Bernard Parish (now St. Michael the Archangel Parish, incorporating St. Bernard and Our Lady of Grace churches) in Pittsburgh’s South Hills. He is also Adjunct Professor of the Organ and Sacred Music Program as well as University Organist at Seton Hill University in Greensburg, PA. Prior to his appointment to St. Bernard’s, he served as Director of Music at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Irwin and Assistant Organist at Greensburg’s Blessed Sacrament Cathedral.
Mr. Bowers holds his Master’s Degree from Duquesne University, studying organ with Dr. Ann Labounsky and improvisation with Benjamin Cornelius-Bates. His undergraduate studies were completed at Seton Hill University, where he studied organ and service playing with Edgar Highberger and organ improvisation with J. Christopher Pardini. As part of a 2013 mini study-abroad trip with the organ studio at Duquesne University, he had the opportunity to perform on many of the great organs of Paris, at Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Basilica of Saint Clotilde, the Church of San-Sulpice, The Madeline Church and others.
He is a member of the Pittsburgh Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, serving as its Sub-Dean (2017-2019) and Dean (2019-2021).
For more information about Chaz, visit
Aaron Sproul
Associate Director of Music

Aaron Sproul came to St. Bernard Parish as Associate Director of Music in December of 2014 and in 2019, took over the same duties for Our Lady of Grace Church as the two churches became the newly-formed St. Michael the Archangel Parish. In addition, he frequently serves as organist for Liturgies and ceremonies at Duquesne University. He has performed solo organ recitals throughout the Pittsburgh area and, as part of a study-abroad program, had the opportunity to play organs in France, including the Grand Organ of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.
Mr. Sproul has presented recitals at Heinz Chapel, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, First Lutheran Church, and Westminster Presbyterian Church here in Pittsburgh. In addition, he performed Louis Vierne’s Messe Solennelle with both the Mt. Lebanon High School Choir and St. Vincent Camerata as Choeur organist.
Before accepting his position at St. Bernard, Mr. Sproul served as the Director of Music at St. Barbara Church in Bridgeville, PA. Previously, he was the Director of Music at Nativity Church in South Park, PA, and Organist at First United Methodist Church in McKeesport, PA.
Mr. Sproul holds a Bachelor of Music degree, with concentrations in Sacred Music and Music Technology, from Duquesne University. There, he studied with Dr. Ann Labounsky and sang in the Pappert Chorale, under the direction of Robert Kurth. He is actively involved in the National Association of Pastoral Musicians, for whom he presented a workshop on choral anthem accompaniment, as well as the Pittsburgh Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, and holds both Service Playing and Colleague certifications. Aaron is the Co-Director of the Organ Artists Series of Pittsburgh, which presents world-class organ recitals throughout the Pittsburgh area.
Kevin Litzinger
Assistant Organist

Mr. Litzinger is the newest member of the St. Michael the Archangel music ministry, officially joining in 2020. He previously served for five years as Associate Organist at St. Regis Parish, Trafford, PA where he assisted in planning liturgies and directing choirs; he also played weekly masses at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in Greensburg, PA. He was selected as St. Bernard Parish sacred music intern for 2017.
In addition to his private studies of sacred music and pipe organ, directed by Seton Hill University Adjunct Professor Chaz Bowers, he is pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering, with a minor in Engineering Leadership Development, at the Pennsylvania State University.